Aluminium bending

Aluminium is one of the most widely used metals in practice. Its popularity is definitely grounded in the fact that it is a material with numerous advantages. It is electrically conductive and has very good corrosion resistance. It is also worth using because of its high strength-to-weight ratio. For all these reasons, aluminium bending is an extremely popular service among our customers.

It doesn't really matter what industry the person responsible for placing the order is in - years of experience in the industry have taught us how widely aluminium can be used. Structures made by aluminium bending are used in the railway, automotive, lighting and construction industries. Individual pieces of furniture or exhibition structures can also be made from this material, provided, however, that it has first been properly bent. Professional aluminium cutting allows the desired shape to be achieved with the necessary precision.

Effective aluminium bending - price

Aluminium bending realisations are carried out in our professional machinery park, which is constantly growing. We work exclusively with proven equipment - their distinguishing feature on the market is above all their high efficiency combined with complete safety. Sheet metal bending should only be carried out at dedicated bending locations, as only there can the desired shape be obtained while retaining all the valuable properties of the metal. This is how we carry out our aluminium bending services. The price of the entire process varies greatly and depends on many factors, such as the amount of work involved.

Professional aluminium cutting for demanding customers

The material to be bent can vary in thickness, requiring the machine operator to select the appropriate pressure. Our specialists have the relevant practical experience in this field and are therefore able to individually select the parameters necessary for the correct aluminium machining service. We carry out bending both on small connecting elements and on long blocks of material. When establishing the terms and conditions of cooperation, we determine together with the customer what the result of the service is to be. On the basis of these arrangements, we use professional machines and tools in the subsequent steps. The team's many years of experience in operating numerically controlled press brakes is one of our greatest assets.
